How to name a new brand

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Creating a name for your organization or product is a challenging task. I’ve been there before, spending days and even months looking for the perfect name only to find the domain isn’t available or it’s already been trademarked.

This is by no means a complete guide to brand naming. However, I’ve included some helpful tools and golden nuggets to get unstuck and generate some fresh name ideas.

Grab some blank paper, pen, a coffee, vape, whatever your vice may be and let’s get started!

Naming Rules & Guidelines

  • Rule 1 – There are no rules!
  • Keep it short, keep it memorable.
  • Easy to pronounce.

De-clutter The Mind

Write out EVERY word or name that comes to mind when you think about your business. This includes names or words you’ve already thought of but didn’t decide on or are already taken. The goal here is to move the noise out of your head and onto paper.

Trigger questions that can help jumpstart the process

Finding words based off senses and writing them down is helpful for generating relevant ideas in your mind. These words can describe the business, product or service you offer with texture, weight, colors, flavors, and sounds. Try not to limit yourself.

  • What does your product or service look like?
  • What does it smell like?


  • Where is your business located?
  • Where is your target audience located?
  • What famous landmarks do you admire and why?


  • How does it make your audience feel?
  • List adjectives that describe your personality, attitude, values, lifestyle, social class.
  • What vibe would you like to give off?
  • Who is your tribe? (radical thinkers, rebels, techies)

Scope out the Competition

You want to get the lay of the land around you before settling on a name. This is also useful for positioning your brand so as to not choose a name that is similar to a fellow competitor.

Google search “keyword + city” to get a list of your local competitor names. Do the same for every city or country you plan on targeting.

Synonyms and Idioms

Take your list of top keywords and plug them into the online thesaurus to generate more phrases.

Registrar Name Generator

Use this tool to find relevant & available domain names.

Search Expired Domains, Domain Auction Sites

Sometimes you can find hidden gems by browsing through expired domains. It allows you to search based off of many parameters such as keywords, SEO metrics, TLD availability, word count etc.

Final Thoughts & Tips

  • Follow your core values, who you are, and your beliefs. Your viewpoint matters most and is key to positioning your brand amongst competition.
  • Skip the first 3 names. More often than not, someone else already thought of it.
  • Keep it simple, less is more. Don’t try to describe your services or products in your name.
  • Try not to use cliche “professional” phrases and words. ex: Grapevine Professional Services, Woodway Consulting Group. They are utterly boring and drab!

After you’ve narrowed down to a few favorites, start using them in the real world. Say it out LOUD. Say it softly. Type it out in Microsoft Word or Google Fonts using different fonts and print it out. Have your colleagues and family repeat the names back to you. Pick the one that resonates with you the most and don’t look back.‍

Isaias Valencia
Isaias Valencia
Brand strategist, SEO, aviator, diver. Currently living in South East Asia like many other digital nomads.
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